Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's not a business deal relationship!

I have been thinking whether to pause my work since exam is just 1 month away. I decided to do so last night and today during work, I wanted to tell my boss.

Since the shop was busy as always, she told me to just write down the dates I was not available since she would be leaving early. She said "Just write down the dates. Don't worry. Studies come first and exam is important." 

So after my shift, I took out my study plan and carefully jotted down each date. In the end, I realized I actually requested 5 weeks of leave, which means 10 shifts in total, from the beginning of next week right until end of June. I actually still can afford to work in week 3 and 4 (of the 5 weeks leave) because I have nothing except for studying to do. Class is over by then. But I just wrote it down anyway because I wanted to focus fully on exams.

However at the same time, I kinda felt bad for my boss because I realized many of my workmates will leave the job around the same time too because of exams, placements or other reasons. I know she will struggle to find people to fill the void during that period of time.

Anyway, I just went on to attend class after work. But that thought was constantly on my mind. When on the bus back home,I actually felt strongly I should help her.

Afterall, she has been reasonable all these while and has treated me well. I remember last year when I suddenly told her I needed to quit the job because of some unforeseen circumstances regarding my house contract. She was understanding and did not grumble which many other boss might have done so. She gave me the job again instantly when I went to see her this year after coming back from Malaysia.

So I decided to give her a call when I got home. When I called her, she said she saw my note and is fine with it. I told her "Well I actually feel bad for asking such a long break. I know you will struggle to find people to help you during this period because everyone is having exam! Everyone is leaving at the same timing. So if you need me to work on week 3 and 4 (of the 5 weeks leave), just give me a call. I can work for you because I do not have class, or exam during those weeks. It's just a revision break." 
She was overjoyed and she actually thanked me for that!

Well, I felt good that I've made my boss happy today!  That is the least I could do to show my gratitude towards her.

I'm glad that my relationship with my boss is just not a business deal, where I work, she pays me and that's it. It's a good relationship where we help one another in times of need.

These are little things that makes life beautiful. :)

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